Resurrecting a piece of lost internet media

Have you ever seen Fantastic Planet?

I’m guessing only a handful of you have, but I need your help solving a mystery—and fixing a piece of lost internet media.

Back in college, this movie made the rounds on various internet forums and social channels, which is how I first stumbled across it. But here’s where things get interesting:

Somewhere, in some music group (possibly through WMTU), I saw a version of Fantastic Planet with a completely different score—an industrial, electronic, experimental soundtrack. It transformed the film into something surreal and haunting, and I was fascinated by the project.

But then... it vanished. Over the years, the video disappeared from the internet, and my memory of it faded. Now, I’m trying to track it down—or at least piece together what it was.

Through the use of the Wayback Machine and an old google search I was able to locate the original website. It’s a wonderful bit of early 2000’s digital insanity.

You can view the website here.

You can see in the corner there “Fantastic Planet” is clearly labeled.

Unfortunately, following the link leads to a dead cached version of Google Video.

However, along with a link to Google Video, the author has thankfully included a playlist and time code. This means we can recreate the score.

For a first pass I’m taking to Spotify and have included a link to that playlist below. However, not all of it is on spotify (red dots), and it's completely missing a few songs (yellow dots).

I've been able to find decent replacements for all the songs, save for one, number 25, it's completely blank and I don't yet know what to include there. You see, I've rebuilt the playlist in spotify tonight.

If you are interested in a little creative challenge, I need a song for #25, it's for minute 59 in this movie

Send us suggestions for better replacements for the missing tracks. Once we have a winning score, we’ll publish the mix to be played along with the film.


The first post